Sunday 23 February 2014

Alarming symptoms, Part two...

Today it was my turn to feel horrible! I woke with a chesty, dry cough and a sore throat and after waking up we all did very little, except watch the four man bob sleigh at the Winter Olympics. Not wanting to waste the day completely I did some research on my family tree but half way through the afternoon I succumbed to feeling horrible and went to bed, something I only do when I feel really terrible.

Sophie had complained, alarmingly, of not being able to see properly. She said that she had a blank spot in her vision, very much like when you look at a bright light, look away but the spot is still there. I suggested that she may have a migraine so I gave her some Ibuprofen and told her to rest. We both huddled up in bed (I couldn't get warm) and watched endless repeats of Keeping up with the Kardashians. I think I could probably go on Mastermind now and have the family as my specialist subject!

By 6pm Sophie was complaining that her eyesight was worse and although she didn't have a headache, stiff neck or nausea I was still very worried. I called my Mum who sounded worried as well so I went back on the phone to NHS Direct again! I put the operator through to Sophie and she answered some questions for him before he told me to take her to A&E as soon as possible.

This sent us both into a total panic even though Keith thought we were over-reacting completely. I looked my very worse, having not had a shower or washed my hair at all. I hastily brushed my hair and dressed in something suitable and we sped back over to Kettering to the A&E department. I was very worried now about Sophie's symptoms and wondered what on earth it could be.

When we arrived at the Reception desk the woman manning the computer completely ignored me. I was so wound up with nerves that I felt like throttling her and she didn't even explain that she was booking the next shift of paramedics onto the system! Eventually she gave me her full attention and then spent ages trying to find our GP surgery...I mean, is it totally necessary?

We went to wait and were called to see someone pretty quickly. The nurse took her blood pressure and connected her to a heart monitor but everything looked fine, although he did say that her pupils were a bit dilated.

We were sent back out to wait again and it's something that I really do not want to experience again in a hurry. The worse thing is that no-one tells you how long the wait is going to be and basically you're at the mercy of other people, something I really hate.

After about an hour we were called through to a small room and a lady who didn't have English as her first language examined Sophie and asked her lots of questions. She didn't seem to understand what Sophie was saying when she tried to describe her eye problems but after a look into her eyes she said that it was nothing serious and we'd need to make an appointment with the eye clinic tomorrow.

Sophie didn't seem any worse and hadn't developed a headache so it was a huge relief to finally get home at 9.30pm and grab a sandwich for dinner. Keith had been cooking roast pork but this has been put off until tomorrow!

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