Monday 24 November 2014

Mad dashes!

Today has been a wee bit frantic as I had my car booked in for a service early this morning but I had to take Mikey to school first. A road has been closed between the A43 and the village of Holcot and this created absolute mayhem this morning. As if we haven't got enough roadworks going on at the moment!

I dropped Mikey off near the school and made my way back to the A43 to get to the garage but the traffic was terrible. This is becoming a real daily bugbear now and I dread every journey into work or school in the morning.  I arrived at the garage to find Keith waiting for me and then we had another slow journey into work. I really needed my coffee when I arrived!

We didn't do much cleaning today, although I did pick up a lot of litter in our car park, most of it McDonald's wrappers, which is always a pain. The crows came out to watch what I was doing and I put some bird food down for them to keep them happy. The crow babies seem to have stayed around this year as at one point there were five of them strutting around.

Keith was at the dentist's surgery in Leicester this afternoon but he called to say that he would pick me up from work. Mum and Dad left so I had the place to myself - how quiet and peaceful it was! I wrapped up a coat I was selling on ebay (yes! I've finally succumbed to the lure of the site) and hoped fervently that Keith would be back in time for me to drop the parcel off at the Post Office on the way to picking my car up.

Well, of course, with all the traffic, he was later than planned so it was a mad dash into Moulton to post the coat and then a struggle with the traffic all the way to Broughton to pick up my car. Because of the road closure a number of cars were waiting to turn right onto the very busy A43, something I would never attempt at rush hour! Brave indeed!

We made the garage with five minutes to spare and had a good chat with Rob who owns the mechanics. He frequents the same pubs as us so we had an amiable chat about beer which gave us both a bit of a breathing space before hurtling back into the traffic to go home.

Keith walked down to the pub tonight and left me to make a fish pie. I have to admit to never making one before but it turned out very well and the children both had second helpings. That's always good to see!

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