Wednesday 31 December 2014

Highlights of 2014

I like to look back on the year and pick out the best days. This year has been a little difficult, I must admit! We seem to have spent far too much of our time worrying about the business as it's probably been our worst year due to the extended summer and the weather that, even in the winter, has stayed dry and sunny. With that and the sale going through it's a year I won't look back on with affection.

There were, undoubtedly, some highlights, with our holiday in Florida being one of the best we've ever had, and the drive down to the Keys will stay with me for a long time. It's sad that we didn't get to enjoy the lovely summer at home as much as we should have done, but business was terrible because of it. Hopefully next year we'll be in a position to enjoy the warmer months to the full!

I predict a lot of changes happening in 2015 and I do wonder what the early days of the year will bring...I'm hoping and praying that the sale will finally go through and we get some time to think about what we're going to do next!

Here are the best days of 2014:

Wednesday 15 January - my Birthday!

Wednesday 26 February - an afternoon of indulgence where we had tea at Beckworth, followed by treats at home.

Sunday 9 March - a lovely Spring day spent pottering about in the garden and enjoying the early warmth!

Saturday 5 April - Sophie's birthday so a trip to Market Harborough and dinner out in the evening!

Friday 30 May - Day 1 of a weekend break in Wales and a lovely feeling to be free for the weekend!

Sunday 1 June - Our last day in Wales and a lovely walk!

Sunday 27 July - An afternoon drinks party with Champagne and caviar!

Tuesday 26 August - a fabulous trip down to Key West and a great meal to round off a lovely day!

Thursday 4 September - our last full day in Florida and a fantastic sunset on Anna Maria Island whilst enjoying dinner at The Sandbar restaurant.

Saturday 25 October - a day out in London with the girls and tea on the Thames!

Thursday 27 November - a flight to Berlin, a wander around a Christmas market and seeing Ben Howard in the evening!

Wednesday 24 December - a lovely start to Christmas with a frosty walk first thing and then a very pleasant shopping trip to Market Harborough.

I'm going to sign off early and wish everyone a happy, healthy and fantastic 2015!

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