Saturday 6 December 2014

More Christmas preparations.

I had a feeling this morning that Sophie would be called into work and she was, as we had three staff members out. Two called in "sick" and the third was on holiday so she was definitely needed! It was a shame as I'd planned on decorating the trees and maybe even making a quick visit to Market Harborough and the gym...

Mikey went off into town with his mates so it was just Keith and I in the house all day. As soon as I got back from taking Sophie to work, I found all the lights and decorations for the tree in the living room and had a good clear-out of my wardrobe, putting all my summer clothes and shoes in the big drawers in our divan.

I cleaned the conservatory, put the lights on the tree and around the windows and then decorated the tree in the living room which I do in a "Scandinavian" style. By the time it came to pick Sophie up the house was looking very festive!

When we got home, Sophie and Mikey decorated the silver tree in the conservatory and then we sat in there with a drink as it was much warmer than the rest of the house! It was very pretty with the twinkling lights everywhere and Sophie said it was the best she'd ever seen the room look! High praise indeed!

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