Wednesday 10 December 2014

Pressie hunting...

Keith felt horrible this morning so we all left him in bed to nurse his cold (oh, sorry! Man Flu!). I took Mikey to school and Sophie came into work with me to keep me company.

We managed to escape after the Booker order had been delivered and I bought a Christmas present for my Mum. I don't think I've ever left it so late to start my shopping!

Back at work we whiled away the afternoon until it was time to go and pick up Sophie's friend Laura, but we called into Boots on the way and I bought another present for Mum, this time a gift from the children!

We battled through the early rush hour traffic and arrived at Laura's house fifteen minutes earlier than we'd said. She didn't mind though and soon the girls were sitting in the back of the car and excitedly catching up on all their news. Laura's been at University in London and the last time they saw each other was October, so there was a lot to talk about!

At home another friend, Danni, arrived and they shut themselves away in the conservatory with pizza and pop! I settled down to watch a new Danish drama, The Legacy, by myself after dinner. Bliss!

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