Thursday 20 June 2013

Soaking up some culture...

After work today Keith and I met Sophie at school to go and see an art exhibition featuring the photos that she'd taken for her last exam. The weather had been dull all day and driving home from work I could see rain clouds gathering, and of course, the heavens opened when we were driving to her school. It lashed it down so hard that the windscreen wipers could hardly cope and we got a bit of a soaking when we ran from the car into the school.

It was a very informal exhibition but we were impressed with the artwork and the photos on display from Years 12 and 13. There was some real talent there.

We didn't stay long and splashed our way back home, ordering a take-away from the Chinese van in the village before going for a drink at the pub (we dropped Sophie off at home first). One of the local cricket matches had been cancelled because of the weather so there were free sandwiches on the bar...yum!

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