Tuesday 25 June 2013

Cats Rule OK!

Tonight, after dinner and before going to pick Mikey up from Army Cadets, Sophie and I walked Monty. Archie was nowhere to be seen (probably off hunting) so it was just the three of us. As we walked around the estate we came across Graham cutting his lawn watched by his beautiful dog, Dennis. Dennis eyed Monty with interest but the cat took no notice until Dennis finally approached him. Monty then arched his back and started growling and hissing at him.

Now, Dennis is a big dog (like a black retriever) but Monty showed no fear at all. Dennis wasn't sure what to do...he kept looking at Graham for reassurance then tore off around the green wanting to play! Monty just seemed to do a cat version of shrugging his shoulders and wandered off, tail held high!

It did remind me of the time Max sneaked up on him when he was asleep in the conservatory and Max ran off with his tail between his legs! Cats certainly rule around here!

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