Monday 24 June 2013


Today I managed very cleverly to get out of doing the cleaning by arranging lots of interviews! Well, we do need to fill the post!

It's amazing, though, that people go to all the trouble of applying for a job, replying to emails or phone calls and then don't bother to turn up. I wasted an hour this morning waiting for a lady to come along at midday and she didn't show up. It meant that I'd hung about when I could have been over at the bank and doing other jobs...grrr!

We did have two women attend and they were lovely so all frustration was forgotten. It was great getting to know new people and finding out a bit about them.

I did do some work in the afternoon as I helped Keith and Ian remove some flaky paint off our hand-rail and then I swept up after them. My lack of activity today meant that I was raring to go in the gym and I did a very good workout followed by a ten minute swim. When I eventually submerged myself into the foamy warm waters of the jacuzzi I felt like I'd earned the relaxation!

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