Wednesday 12 June 2013

Getting spiritual...

Tuesday and Wednesday have flown by and it looks like another week is soon going to disappear! The weather continues to be horrible for this time of year and I do wonder whether we'll ever get a summer!

Today has been very busy as Keith and I needed to get Mikey kitted out with some new clothes and shoes for Nan's funeral on Friday, so after we'd picked up the children from school (including Abi who was coming to the gym with us) we went to Brantano's and picked him out a new pair of shoes that will do him for school as well. I'd dropped the girls off at the gym and went back there after sorting Mikey out, managing to do a good workout before rushing home, as this evening Mum and I went to a Demonstration of Mediumship at the Spiritualist Church in Northampton.

I had been looking to see a Medium for a while and saw that demonstrations are held on the second Tuesday of the month. We'd never been to the Spiritualist Church before and we weren't sure what to expect but we had a very warm welcome and were given a hym book as we would be singing a hymn before the evening started! I am by no means a Spiritualist but I was very interested to see what would happen and I would say that 99% of the people there were very normal indeed!

Liz Fuller was the medium and she was a lovely person. A lot of people came through and she was extremely accurate in all that she said, except for two men who she just couldn't connect anyone with. The family group behind us had their mother and their aunt appear so they were very lucky. Right at the very end she pointed to me and said that a woman had connected with her, a maternal grandmother of mine. Well, I was shocked even though I was hoping to connect with my Grandad, and although some of the details were a little vague, Mum and I hope that it was Nan as quite a few of the things she said made sense.

When I got home I told Keith what had happened but he is as sceptical as they come and refuses to believe that there is an after-life. I would love to believe it and a huge part of me is convinced that the soul carries on after death but I know that this is a very personal matter and I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We will go back again, of that I'm sure, and I just hope that we have a little longer should anyone come through next time!

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