Wednesday 6 March 2013

We celebrate 25 years!

I can hardly believe it, but today Keith and I have been together for 25 years!

We were going to go out, but decided in the end to get a Tesco Finest meal, which involved a bit of drama... The store was packed and all the open checkouts were full so we queued at the "10 items or less" till and put our purchases into baskets. As I had to get some stuff for work, we paid separately.

A stupid old bat challenged what we were doing and I ended up having a furious row with her, over such a petty situation of how many items we had in our baskets! It was a shame we had to get back to work for the lunchtime rush as I was very tempted to go and see one of the store managers to complain about the lack of checkouts open. Grrrr!

The argument sort of set the tone for a miserable day...amongst other things, Keith arrived home to find that one of the cats had messed on a mat in the kitchen and Sophie and I had a hard time at the gym getting ourselves motivated (after such a good session on Monday!).

We decided to go home, curl up on the sofa, eat chocolate and drink wine! Well, it was a special day after all!

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