Wednesday 20 March 2013


Today got off to a very bad start when I arrived at work to find that the big bunch of keys that unlock all our padlocks had gone missing. Martha and Maureen had locked up for the first time last night on their own (Mum and Dad had stayed until past 6pm) and we had no idea where they'd put the keys (certainly not in the place where they should have been put!).

I called Martha but there was no answer and when I spoke to Maureen she said she didn't know where Martha had put them! Hmmm! Some changes need to take place I think! With Jeanette, who cleans for us, we searched everywhere we could think of, but with no success. As it was now nearly 9am and we open at half past, I asked Keith to do the tills for me while I decided to go to Martha's house. It was a miserable, grey, horrible morning with a sleety snow falling and although I'd looked up her address I couldn't find it. I was really starting to panic now, but luckily Jeanette called and said that they'd found the keys, which had fallen into a space behind the letterbox!

I sped back to work to find a customer waiting to pay for a deposit on a party - typical! - and then we managed to get opened up before the first flood of customers came in. We also had deliveries waiting for us so a fairly stressful time followed until I was finally able to sit down with a cup of coffee and heave a huge sigh of relief!

The day didn't really get any better as we had one child mess in the play area, while another one was sick. Poor Polly had to clear that up though!

I picked up both children after school as Mikey wanted a pre-holiday hair cut and I parked well away from Mr Angry!

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