Friday 15 March 2013


It's been another hectic day and not only have I been busy at work, I've also been ferrying Sophie around all afternoon as she had an appointment to have her nails done this afternoon, followed by a shopping spree in town.

The weather has turned horrible again and as it's Red Nose day today, for Comic Relief, we had mums in at work selling cakes to raise money. This led to bits of cake being squashed into the floor and carpets...hmmm!

I had plans to go to the gym once I'd dropped Sophie and her friend Abi into town, but I was tired, my head ached and the traffic held me up for longer than I'd anticipated, so I went home and sat in front of the TV instead, with my little (OK, not so little!) boy for company! It's been a manic week and time is flying by far too quickly for my liking!

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