Wednesday 1 August 2012

I feel like a taxi driver!

Today it feels like all I've done is drive about! Sophie had a Birthday lunch to go to and the restaurant was right on the other side of Northampton. Keith came into work with me, so after going to the bank and doing some shopping for the business we went home to pick both her and Mikey up, took her to the restaurant and then went back to work for a couple of hours. Mikey had some lunch then wanted to go home as he was "bored"!

Work has been quite busy today with only a couple of niggles so when Sophie and I eventually arrived home I suggested a walk to restore that inner peace that I seem to have lost over the last couple of days...

Mikey stayed at home but Keith, Sophie and me went off across the fields, trying not to get annoyed with a letter from the Parish Council going on again about dog walkers and children playing in the fields surrounding our estate. It feels like someone has a real vendetta against us at the moment! We were stopped by an upset woman who had lost her little dog and we promised we would look out for her, poor thing. I just really hope she hasn't been in the field with all the sheep.

The walk was great and we felt brilliant charging up the hill - it felt like the easiest I'd ever done it!

Back home we tucked into a Tesco Finest meal (this is becoming a very pleasurable habit!) and then settled down to watch the Mens' Swimming which was very enjoyable indeed!

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