Friday 24 August 2012

Well-laid plans...

Today I was supposed to be starting the decorating in the hallway and cloakroom but we had a very early dentist appointment for Sophie to get a problem sorted out with her front tooth. I decided to abandon the decorating for today and instead do it over the weekend!

The dentist was brilliant and said that the problem was a small bit of enamel missing so he filled it and within minutes the small hole had disappeared, much to our relief! As Sophie had to enrol in 6th Form at 10am we called into work to see Mum and Dad and to have a much-needed coffee!

Enrolment was fine - Sophie had all the grades she needed to get in and do the subjects she wanted but there were a couple of students there who had had to make a different choice because of the outcome of their exams.

The afternoon was spent at the gym and then Sue came around in the evening for a drink and nibbles. I nibbled so much on the olives, breadsticks and cheese that I didn't have any dinner!

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