Sunday 10 October 2010

A restful weekend?

Today has been a tad stressful! Last night, Jenny our weekend Manager at work, phoned me to say that one of the toilets was blocked so I said we'd come in on Sunday morning to try and sort it out. At 9am Keith and I were driving into work and it was gorgeous...misty and sunny with a hint of warmth to come. We had a look at the loo, poured some caustic soda down to try and clear it and then went home to pick up the children as Sophie was working for us today for a couple of hours. We treated them to a MacDonald's breakfast and then went back to work to have another go at the loo, this time with customers on the premises who kept wanting to visit the facilities!

The caustic soda really hadn't worked so we drove off to Focus DIY to buy some more and whilst there we spotted a lethal looking plunger that was sure to do the job. Back at work, we tried the plunger and it seemed to work, the loo not filling as much as before, so after a while and using the soda again, we told Jenny to keep an eye on it and went home. Keith was suffering a bit because the soda had splashed on him and he wanted to get into the shower fast!

I drove off again to get the Sunday papers and when I arrived home Keith was mowing the lawn. By now it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Lured into the garden I couldn't resist dead-heading the geraniums and tidying up all the pots and plants. I hadn't had a shower earlier on and resembled a wild woman but I figured that another hour wouldn't make a difference to how I looked (like a madwoman, I bet!). By now it was getting on for 1pm and neither Keith or I had had any breakfast or lunch! I made a start on washing the conservatory windows which were covered in tiny bits of leaves, spider webs and dead ladybirds. Nature has truly taken over the garden in the last few weeks...there were snail and slug trails everywhere and spiders hanging from every bush...Ugh!

Remembering our lack of sustenance Keith went inside and made a pile of toast and we munched away contentedly in the kitchen, joined by Mikey who promptly dropped his plate on the floor, shattering it into tiny pieces and decorating the tiles with butter!

I lost my temper which led to a bit of a spat between Keith and I, but we were reunited in realising that Mikey's homework still had to be done...He did the maths while I started on the nature collage. Mikey sat at the computer and designed a took all of us about an hour to complete and it still isn't all finished!

I finally sat down at 3pm after having a much-needed shower, only to answer the phone a few minutes later to Jenny who said that the mens' toilets were now overflowing every time someone flushed the loo...

We went back into work and found the toilets overflowing with water so we had no choice but to close them off to the public and ask them to use our one disabled toilet, a bit of a nuisance as we were a bit busy! I called a drain man who had come out to us before and arranged to meet him at work early on Monday morning.

We arrived back home at about 5pm and I poured myself a large whisky and ginger ale! I think I deserved it! Keith and I had a few games of cards before I (!) cooked dinner. We'd planned to eat at lunchtime today but that obviously didn't happen and I'd said I would give Keith a rest from cooking. I have to say we had a delicous meal of roast lamb and all the trimmings and I received a resounding thumbs up!

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