Saturday 16 October 2010

Dressing up

Last night Keith and I went to Sue and Paul's house for a Murder Mystery evening with an 'Allo 'Allo theme. There were twelve of us in all, most of whom were strangers to us so we went with a bit of trepidation! Keith looked very authentic as a French sausage seller (photo to follow later) with his trousers tied at the bottom with string, a large sausage around his neck and his beret. Sophie drew him a moustache and he looked hilarious. I was a bit more subdued, wearing a cream raincoat, scarf and beret in my role as the French Resistance member.

Everyone had gone to a lot of trouble with their costumes especially the German officer, RAF pilot and GI Joe who looked fantastic. We also had a nurse, a female German officer (very scratchy uniform) and a cabaret singer who looked very sexy in fishnet tights and bowler hat!

It was a great evening and as the drinks flowed the conversation became louder and we got to know the others who were great. It was lovely to meet new people.

We all took it in turns to either interrogate or be interrogated and watched several clues on the television. At the end of the evening we had to guess who the murderer was and with a stroke of genius our cabaret singer guessed right that it was GI Joe who turned out to be half-German and therefore had to kill the evidence!

So, a great evening and we can now have Keith's sausage for breakfast!


Anonymous said...

Great photos Jane, you both look very authentic, thanks for sharing :-)

kitchen princess said...

Sounds like a really fun evening and the costumes are great.

Janie said...

Thank you, Kitchen Princess! It was fun, after we all got over the initial shyness and the wine started to flow! I'd certainly do it again!