Wednesday 20 October 2010

First frost.

We've had gorgeous weather today, but the sunshine has come at a cost - the first frost of Autumn and although it wasn't too bad, the air was certainly very chill on the way to work this morning!

Mum and dad took the day off so Keith came into work with me but he had a doctor's appointment first thing, this time to talk about his hip which is causing him some real pain. He can't have the operation until next year because of his heart problems, but he is in agony most of the time now and it's really affecting his life. The doctor gave him some painkillers so hopefully they will work and he'll be able to move about without groaning.

After work we had a Parents Evening appointment at 5pm and we had planned to walk down to the school in the lovely early evening sunshine, but Keith was in a lot of pain with his hip so we had to drive instead. The meeting went well and Mikey seems to be improving a lot at school and working hard with his reading and writing.

When we came out, the pub was open and we went in for a quick drink which was a real treat. As always there was a lovely atmosphere and it was great to sit at the bar and relax with the other customers. A bit like the old days before the children came along!

Back home I cooked fajitas for dinner - Sophie's favourite dish and I have to say they were delicious. We used chicken thighs which were tender and tasty and I received lots of compliments - I have a feeling the meal was slightly better than my efforts last night!


kitchen princess said...

Brr! we got a frost too, had to scrape ice off the car this morning. Ouch to the hip pain, I sympathise with Keith. I have hypermobile joints and they can be very painful.

Janie said...

They do sound painful - does the cold weather make them worse?