Sunday 31 October 2010


I love Halloween and this time of year in particular. Normally we buy a pumpkin, carve it into a scary face and buy lots of sweets to give out to the children on the estate who come trick or treating. This year however, we're giving it a miss, mainly because we're off out to the pub tonight and we just haven't had the time to do some pumpkin carving. I will make up for it next year, though and I plan to have a display of beautiful squashes and pumpkins that I saw at Beckworth Emporium a few weeks back. I'm sure they'll have them in again next year. Michael is a bit miffed as he goes out with his sister trick or treating but we've bought him a small bag of sweets as consolation and he is looking forward to having dinner at the pub tonight!

We did yet more cleaning today, changing beds and washing everything that didn't move. It's been typical Halloween weather today - damp, grey and chilly, but the trees do look gorgeous at the moment in their Autumnal oranges, yellows and reds.

So, we are off out tonight and then we have a very early start in the morning. I won't be online again until Wednesday evening so have a great Halloween and see you soon!

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