Saturday 6 March 2010


Today, 22 years ago, Keith and I went on our first date. We worked at Black and Decker together, and under the pretence of work, he asked me to bring some telexes (remember them?) over to his office. He met me half way (a bit nervous, I think!) and asked me to go to Brighton for the day with him. The rest, as they say, is history.

I'm mightily proud of being with him for 22 years, especially as that figure is the difference in our ages. I've known him more than half my life now and we have a lot of shared memories. Let's hope we're still together 22 years from now! He disappeared off this morning to get the newspaper and came back with lots of flowers for me, which was totally unexpected and very welcome!

I spent the day giving the house a good Spring clean and golly...did it need it! I think hundreds of spiders have been busy spinning webs as there were a fair few hanging from the ceilings! I did things I don't normally have time to do, such as pulling out furniture and cleaning ornaments in cabinets, and opened all the windows to get some fresh air into the house and chase away the fuggy Winter air. So, tonight, I feel very smug surveying my clean downstairs rooms (I have upstairs to do tomorrow...yes, it was that bad!) and maybe even get out into the garden if it's nice. Let's hope it is and that it's the start of a proper Spring!

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