Friday 2 August 2024

Slasher Keith strikes again...

We now have a new rota on Fridays at work, and Sharon is in with Kathy and me. She is still learning, but I get the feeling she's not really treating the job seriously! It's almost as if answering the phone is an option and she spent more time on "admin" than she did taking calls, which was frustrating for Kathy and me. She also disappeared at lunchtime for nearly half an hour, which was taking the proverbial! 

I put more films on until early September, managed to put a handful of swim camps on and dealt with the emails. I was horrified at 3.55pm to discover I'd missed one of our holiday activities which can be booked on Sunday, so I hurriedly did that! It was a popular activity so I'm sure there would have been queries as to why it wasn't bookable!

When I got home I saw Mike's Ford Fiesta was parked outside. It was lovely to see him again and we had a quick catch-up before Keith asked me to go outside to look at the garden. Mike had arrived in the early afternoon and had helped Keith prune some of the bushes in the garden. However, between them, they had massacred my beautiful Clematis that had been growing at the back of the garage. It was no more. I said a few choice words and they both tried to vindicate what they'd done by saying the plant was pulling off the drainpipe and growing under the roof... Hmmm! They said it would grow back! Yes, one day in the distant future!

They then disappeared to the pub, and I hoovered up all the bits of leaves and twigs that had been trodden through the house. I was not happy. Sophie arrived home and we opened a bottle of Italian Pinot Grigio and relaxed with a Netflix documentary about a female Sherpa climbing Everest.

Keith and Mike arrived home before 7pm, and Keith started banging about in the kitchen sorting dinner, even though Sophie and I were happy to do it. He'd prepared a curry earlier and all we needed to do was boil the rice and heat up the naan bread.

We sat in the conservatory to enjoy dinner and watched the Olympics after we'd eaten. Mike went to the village to see some mates, and I gave him the front door key, forbidding him to come in through the kitchen because of the cats. Mooney and Gomez are still very wary of him and we hadn't seen either cat all evening. Mooney had come into the house when Mike was in the kitchen and had done a runner straight away!

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