Saturday 17 August 2024

Grabbing life!

Sophie went to an extended yoga session this morning in the beautiful village of Harlestone, so after waving her off and having a quick coffee, Keith and I decided to go to the tip with our garden waste. He picked up all the prunings from the gravel garden (mostly ivy, which brings me out in itchy welts if I touch it) and we gathered everything up into the new Hippo bag we'd bought at B&Q a few weeks ago.

It fitted perfectly in the back of the Golf and we took some other unwanted items with us as well. The garden skip was the busiest at the recycling centre and was full. A man getting rid of his own stuff was pushing all the waste to one side with a snow shovel, making it easier for us to dispose of all our prunings. He was doing a great job, and we told him so!

Back home, we emptied our brown bin into the Hippo bag and made another trip. When we returned I decided to paint the cloakroom skirting boards, but changed my mind as it was now midday. I hate painting and keep putting it off, but next week I'm going to tackle it once and for all! I did manage to clean the skirting boards, though and make preparations!

It's been a gorgeous day today, with blue skies and sunshine. Sophie arrived home and said she'd enjoyed the session, which also incorporated meditation. She had intended to go with Vikesh but he had pulled out first thing this morning, which was disappointing for her. 

We spent the afternoon pootling about and Keith had to abandon going to see Sileby play as he'd hurt his back this morning picking up the prunings. He was in a lot of pain and it must have been bad for him to miss a game!

As well as pootling about and relaxing, Sophie bought a personalised number plate from the DVLA this afternoon! She had seen one which meant a lot to her and ordered it today. It'll be great to see Olive with her new plate! 

Sadly, Vikesh and Sophie have cancelled their forthcoming holiday to Rhodes in October, which left Sophie feeling miserable but also relieved at the same time. I had booked the same week off so we decided to take the plunge and book a week in Provence. We found a beautiful house with a pool overlooking vineyards, so that's something to look forward to in about six weeks. I realise that all these holidays are an indulgence, but I'm determined to enjoy travelling when I can. Seeing my parents cooped up in the care home has brought home to me how precious life is and how you should grab opportunities and make the most of life when you can. Who knows what's around the corner? We're looking forward to an overnight stop on the way down, and relaxing with lots of books, lots of wine and Scrabble!

Talking of Scrabble, Sophie and I played a game this evening, and I beat my daughter for the first time in ages! The three of us opened a bottle of Champagne to celebrate our wedding anniversary the other day and ordered a Chinese takeaway, a treat from Sophie.

After we'd eaten, we watched most of No Time To Die, which is what I'd wanted to watch last week. I do love a good Bond film, and Daniel Craig is my favourite!

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