Wednesday 28 August 2024

A day of domesticity.

Keith and I had arranged a boiler service today (such excitement), and the engineer arrived at 10am. I was upstairs doing battle with our super king duvet and sweating buckets when Keith called up to ask if I'd make the engineer a coffee... I won't repeat what I said here.

When I ventured downstairs, there was a dust haze everywhere, and after the engineer departed, I noticed that I could draw pretty patterns in the dust on the kitchen floor... This meant that everything had to be cleaned and the cats' bowls emptied of biscuits. There was black dust all along the skirting boards and up the walls, so I was not pleased.

As well as cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floor, we did the shopping list, and I cleaned out the fridge. Lurking in the bottom of the vegetable compartment was a rotten cucumber, which had leaked horrible liquid everywhere. Wasn't I having a fun day?!

I also did mounds of laundry but didn't put it on the line to dry as the weather was unsettled, with rain threatening to fall several times throughout the day. By 4pm I was pooped so allowed myself the last episode of Marcus Wareing in Provence and a sit-down!

Keith and I played cards again in the evening with a drink before Sophie cooked dinner. Keith had prepared meat and vegetables earlier in the day and we enjoyed beef in a black bean sauce with noodles and prawn crackers.

After dinner, Sophie and Keith watched Newcastle play Nottingham Forest while I sat on the computer listening to music. I had earphones in so I couldn't hear the shouting!

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