Tuesday 13 August 2024

Last day before a little freedom!

Thankfully, the heat abated a little today and it was a tad cooler. I just wanted today at work to be over, so I could enjoy the rest of the week!

As usual, for a Tuesday, the office was noisy and busy. I worked my way through the emails, answered a few calls and made more progress on the moan report. By 4pm I really had had enough, and realised I hadn't had more than a couple of days off work since March!

I have a lot of plans for the next few days, but my problem is I try and cram too much into the time! It would just be lovely to celebrate our wedding anniversary on Thursday (32 years together) but I have a feeling this is when the charger is being fitted!

In the evening, we played cards in the kitchen and tried to cheer up Sophie who was feeling a bit down over work. It was noticeably cooler and I could feel a lovely breeze coming through the windows.

Keith barbecued this evening and Sophie and I enjoyed Wagyu burgers while Keith stuck to hot dog sausages (each to their own!). I'd roasted potatoes and vegetables and the meal was lovely. One evening, we'll prepare everything in advance and sit with Keith in the garden as he grills the meat! We have hardly sat in the garden this summer, despite plans to put a table and chairs at the bottom of the gravelled area. Now would be the time to splash out on a garden set as the summer nears to an end!

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