Tuesday 20 August 2024

Excitement at work!

I managed to get on top of a lot of the emails yesterday, so it was less frenetic today. Halfway through the morning, one of the duty managers came in and said that a car had somehow become embedded in the wall of the church building next door to us. He had sped through our car park and slammed into the wall and there were police, fire engines and the air ambulance in attendance! How he managed to avoid killing or injuring someone was a miracle, especially as he had entered a pedestrian area! 

Unfortunately, he had to be cut out of his vehicle, and as that was happening, the heavens opened and we had a torrential downpour of rain so that was weird!

Our MD was in today and was very chatty, talking to me about France, which provided a few minutes of pleasant interlude while answering the emails! I can't quite believe we'll be back in one of my favourite countries in less than six weeks!

It was great to finish at 4pm and speed home. There, I discovered that the review I'd written about The White Swan on Sunday had been published on Trip Advisor, and it hadn't gone down well with the owners, Will and Jason, who had written a reply. They asked why I hadn't swapped my roast beef for something else - because the place was heaving and I didn't fancy waiting another half an hour for a meal while Keith and Sophie scoffed theirs - and wrote in capital letters: WE DO NOT SERVE FROZEN SUNDAY ROASTS! They also said my "comments about frozen food are quite odd". The lady doth protest too much, methinks!

Another reviewer had stated that the Sunday roast was the worst he'd ever eaten, and they didn't reply to that! 

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