Sunday 4 August 2024

Mike gone AWOL!

Mike didn't come home last night, but as I now have FindMyPhone for him, I could see where he was - in Daventry, so not lying in a ditch somewhere! He could have texted me last night to say he was staying out with friends! He arrived home just as we were tucking into more bacon sandwiches but disappeared upstairs to have a shower. Not much changes!

I tackled the inside of the conservatory today as it's been taken over by spiders and flies. I washed the windows and cleaned all the frames so they looked a lot better. I took photos of the three glass panels I'd like replacing and we're also talking about having a new door with an inbuilt cat flap at the bottom so the moggies can come and go as they please. Having the door open throughout the winter was not a good idea!

Sophie drove to Wellingborough to see Vikesh in the afternoon for sushi at Rushden Lakes. However, she texted me to say it was busy so they went to Wellingborough instead. I'm not sure she was happy as she'd been looking forward to going to Yo! Sushi.

Mike returned to Abbie's house later in the afternoon and I said we'd see him again when we're due to take them to the airport on the 16th of August. I then looked at drop-off parking at Stansted and arranged a loan with the bank (!). Actually, I found out that taking them to the mid-stay car park is free, and they can get a shuttle bus to the terminal!

Sophie came home, and we sat and talked at the kitchen island with a drink. Dinner tonight was barbecued steak with Dauphinoise potatoes, a dish I'd never made before. I prepared the potatoes, mixed them with garlic and cream and popped them into the oven a good two hours before we were due to eat. I learnt that if you cook them on a gentle heat for a long time, the cream won't curdle.

Keith went out to barbecue the steaks, and Sophie and I popped asparagus and long-stem broccoli into the oven. We sat down to eat and I was disappointed to see that the cream had curdled and looked like over-done scrambled eggs. The dish still tasted good but I was annoyed. If I'd cooked them on a lower heat they would have been raw! I'll try again with this dish as I won't be beaten!

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