Sunday 11 August 2024

Birthday celebrations!

Sophie and I popped to Tesco this morning and bought gifts for my Dad's birthday. I treated him to a Yellowstone Park tee-shirt and a pyjama set and bought him a pair of trousers from Mum. We drove to the care home and sat with my parents and chatted while Dad opened his presents. I think he was delighted, and I knew that the staff would spoil him as well today!

Back home, we cleaned the house and prepared lunch. We had decided to try and re-create the Wimbledon lunch again today as I hadn't been able to taste or smell anything properly last month when I had covid. It was a warm day, with plenty of sunshine, and we opened all the windows to try and keep the house cool.

We sat and drank Pimm's beforehand with nibbles. I do prefer eating at lunchtime, as this means the evening is much more relaxed and the dreaded Sunday syndrome isn't as bad!

We enjoyed cold meats, quiche, salads, new potatoes and crusty bread for lunch, and after we'd cleared away and stacked the dishwasher we sat and watched television, something I rarely do on a Sunday, unless it's sport like Wimbledon or the Olympics. We watched an interesting documentary about Great White Sharks and a man who swims with them, and then, to our delight, we settled down to watch the 1954 version of Dial M for Murder with Grace Kelly and Ray Milland. What a treat!

Halfway through the film we opened a bottle of Champagne and enjoyed a fruit trifle. Anybody would think it was a special occasion!

Vikesh came over later in the day to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics and he and Sophie walked up to the top green to find Mooney. I put Sophie's fresh bedding back on and sweated buckets doing it as by now it was hot! Tomorrow is set to be hotter, at about 30c! Phew!

We half-heartedly watched the closing ceremony but by 9pm I'd had enough and Vikesh returned home. Is this the summer sport finished? Oh, no... the football season starts next week!

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