Thursday 22 August 2024

Rushing about again!

I had a busy shift at work today and can't quite believe that we only have a week and a bit of the school holidays left. The time has flown by!

At 2pm, I drove home and went out again with Keith to do our shopping at Aldi and Tesco. I spotted our "new" next-door neighbour in Aldi (the woman who lives behind us) with her two daughters, and I felt a twinge of sadness that we don't speak (I don't think she even recognised us). When I think of the great neighbours we've had in the past, and the sociable times we've had with them, it does make me feel a bit nostalgic.

Poor Keith hobbled around both Aldi and Tesco, leaning on the trolley for support, and we bought everything we needed. All except for washing up liquid, which we had completely run out of! I had to ask Sophie to pick up a bottle in Waitrose on her way home!

After putting all the shopping away, I made the porridges for tomorrow, prepared our lunches and peeled the vegetables for dinner. I was then able to sit down with a glass of wine and watch the penultimate episode of Marcus Wareing in Provence. What a treat!

Sophie went out for a meal with Laura this evening, to their usual haunt, The Rose and Crown at Yardley Hastings. I helped Keith cook dinner and, after we'd eaten, we watched the last episode of a three-part series about a man who was a convicted bigamist and conman. He'd left a string of broken-hearted women behind him and about ten children (that they know of). The terrible thing is that he'll be out of prison in the US in a few years, and will no doubt start all over again!

Sophie returned home at about 10.30pm, we had a chat and then it was off to bed. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!

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