Thursday 15 August 2024

Not much celebrating!

Keith and I celebrated 32 years of marriage today, but we didn't have any grand plans! We had to wait in all morning while the outside charger for Sophie's car was fitted, and that was finished at midday. It looked neat and tidy, tucked out of the way behind a pillar. The lead could stretch a long way so she won't have to reverse the car up the driveway, which is what I thought she would need to do.

While the electrician was working away, I prepared the vegetables for a bolognese sauce for tonight's meal, made a batch of banana muffins using some sad, brown fruit and tried to keep busy. We knew that the electricity would be going off for a while so I hesitated putting the muffins in the oven until he'd finished!

Once he'd completed the work, explained everything to us and departed, we drove over to Brixworth and I paid Sophie's tax cheque into her bank. She'd received a little back for her car tax, which will come in handy with the bills!

Back home, we had lunch and I slowly cooked the bolognese sauce, before we had a cup of tea and a muffin. They were quite dense, but very banana-ey! I was able to sit and watch Escape to the Country for a while (a very show-off couple) and I had a nap, waking with a start when Keith said it was 4.30pm and we had to go and collect Mike and Abbie from town.

They wanted to be picked up from Abbie's Dad's house where the parking is a nightmare, and we struggled against the rush hour, getting to them at exactly 5pm. They loaded their bags into the car and we set off for home. After their trip to Tenerife (we're taking them to the airport tomorrow) they're back for two days before they jet off to Thailand, lucky things!

On the A43, Sophie realised she was a few cars in front of us and we kept getting glimpses of her in the distance! She was impressed with the charger, but after downloading the app, found it difficult to charge, something the electrician said would happen. He had offered to come over and help, but I said to leave it until the weekend as there was so much going on this evening. As we'd driven home the sky had turned stormy, and within minutes of being home, the heavens opened and we had torrential rain.

Mike and Abbie sat in the kitchen and had a drink, chatting to Keith, while Sophie and I put the finishing touches to the meal. We wanted to eat early as the four of us have to be up at 2am tomorrow morning... Ugh! 

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