Wednesday 14 August 2024

Just pootlin'

I was awake at 4.30am this morning but managed to go back to sleep until Sophie woke me at 6am. I dreamt I was back running our soft play business with my parents, which felt so real! I remember saying to them in my dream, "I thought we'd sold this!" 

I didn't go back to sleep after Sophie had left, as I wanted to make the most of my time off! I'd had visions of sitting in the garden with a coffee, but the weather was disappointing, grey and overcast. Maybe over the weekend?

I didn't leave the house today and pootled about doing jobs and relishing the thought of a short break from work. It was lovely to sit and read the newspaper with a mug of tea! Keith went shopping because we really only needed food for Thursday and Friday evenings, so that was one onerous chore out of the way! I amused myself immensely by cleaning the detergent dispenser of the washing machine, and using my new "crevice" brush, something I have threatened to use on Keith and Sophie if they misbehave!

I tried to make sense of the holidays we have booked over the next year, and booked car parking for our trip to Berlin in November, and an airport hotel for Mallorca in December. I also looked at Airbnb houses for our trip to Spain next June, but I was surprised to find there wasn't that much choice. We still haven't decided our route so until then I'll keep looking. I would like something quirky and characterful!

Before Sophie arrived home, I hoovered downstairs and tidied up, so the house was looking lovely and cosy. The weather hadn't improved all day and it was still cloudy, but muggy. We sat and played cards in the kitchen, and Sophie read my old journal from when we drove down to Javea in 1999, when Sophie was only three. We left Northampton at 5.20pm and didn't stop for a rest until Barcelona the next afternoon. I described driving through Lyon at seventy miles an hour at 6am in the morning. We must have been utterly mad to do all that driving and not stop overnight at least twice. I would never do that now, it's just not worth the risk. I was five months pregnant as well!

After dinner of Keith's speciality Pan Haggerty, we relaxed and took both cats upstairs. Mooney gets excited if you start whispering "Where is it?" and "Have you got it?" as he goes mad for the laser toy and loves chasing the little red dot. He starts miaowing and crying and giving us kisses all the way up the stairs! Gomez chases it for a while but much prefers to snooze on the bed and have his tummy tickled!

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