Friday 30 August 2024

Phew! It's Friday!

I had a busy shift at work today and I was thankful that Angela came in to cover for Sharon so I could concentrate on the emails. I also managed to input the October half-term playscheme places, so parents can book well ahead and get organised. Before we know it, the next holiday will be upon us!

At 4pm, I sped home and tidied the house so we could relax before dinner with a glass of Provencal Rosé. Our viewing choice this evening was The Other Woman, a film from 2014 starring Cameron Diaz. It was a great Friday evening rom-com that we both enjoyed!

Keith's friend John is away at the moment, so he didn't go to the pub this evening and cooked us a delicious chicken curry instead.

I noted in the newspaper that the 2024/2025 storm names have been published. They are:

Ashley, Bert, Conall, Darragh, Eowyn, Floris, Gerben, Hugo, Izzy, James, Kayleigh, Lewis, Mavis, Naoise, Otje, Poppy, Rafi, Sayuri, Tilly, Vivienne and Wren.

I've noticed in the past that the most innocuous-sounding names produce the worst storms... it'll be interesting to see what Bert, Mavis and Poppy are like!

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