Tuesday 23 July 2024

Worried about the Gomes...

Kathy came back today and helped out, and we had newbie Sharon working with us. I have to say, though, that she spent a lot of time off the phone! I was forced to take calls as it's really ramping up now and we're getting panicky parents calling us to book childcare spaces! It happens before every holiday!

Back home, Sophie was worried about Gomey's chin which looked crusty and sore. He keeps coming home with lesions on his face or ears and we're getting a little concerned. Sophie asked me to call the vet in the morning to make an appointment to try and find out what the problem is.

Keith barbecued this evening and we enjoyed Tesco Finest Wagyu burgers. They were delicious eaten with salad and new potatoes, and we can see now why they scored so highly at a blind taste test!

Gomez seems quite happy to come home at about 5pm and have his grubs before retiring upstairs for a snooze. Mooney is always nearby so it's great to have both cats keeping us company in the evening for a change!

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