Thursday 25 July 2024


The cats were not amused about having to stay in this morning - I wish we could have explained why - and they kept looking at us as if they couldn't believe we wouldn't let them out. We gave Gomey his tablets and left them watching a bird video on YouTube!

We took Sophie to work this morning because I didn't trust her car after the drama of last night. I woke up at about 3.30am this morning worrying that it would burst into flames...

We dropped her off, and I started work half an hour later. Being off the phones today was a relief, so I could get a lot done. I virtually finished the moan report and answered as many emails as I could before Keith picked me up at 2.30pm.

We went home, and I couldn't find Gomez... Keith was adamant he hadn't managed to escape, but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked behind the sofas, the armchairs, under tables and on the dining room chairs, in cupboards and all the bedrooms. Sophie had texted me to ask how they were and I had to say we couldn't find Gomez. Imagine my relief when I finally found him curled up behind the curtain in Sophie's room! Phew! 

Leaving him in peace, I dealt with some paperwork before we collected Sophie at 5pm. We decided that she would drive to work tomorrow, and we would look to get rid of her car as soon as possible, preferably looking this weekend for a new vehicle.

The cats looked thoroughly miserable evening and I wondered how people kept cats inside all the time? Our two have now been used to having the freedom to roam wherever they want so it must be hard for them to stay put, poor things!

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