Thursday 18 July 2024

Unwelcome news...

I had a chat with Sara today about the amount of work there is to do, and she agreed that it was all becoming a bit too much. I spent a good part of the morning doing the cash-ups, but I still haven't recorded the figures from our new centres as I just didn't have the time. I worked until 3pm (to make up my hours) and then went home to relax with Keith and catch up with some housework.

It's been hot today, and I took my car, which meant I was sweltering on the way home! Keith and I prepared breaded pork escalopes for dinner, and I was in a foul mood, although I didn't know why! Maybe it was the heat? Our house soaks up the warmth and doesn't let it go and it was stuffy upstairs even though the windows were open.

My mood became even worse later in the evening when Sara texted me to say that Kathy was ill and wasn't going to be at work tomorrow, which meant I would be trying to do all my own stuff and answer the phone. I was furious! What was so ironic was that I stayed away from seeing Kathy on Monday so she wouldn't get ill, and she was!

Nothing Keith or Sophie could do or say put me in a better mood, even though we sat in the garden with a drink and had a chat. I was glad it was Friday tomorrow and then I was off over the weekend. Sara said she would help out with answering the phone, which was something at least!

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