Monday 15 July 2024

Facing a dilemma...

I'd decided yesterday that if I tested positive for covid this morning, I wouldn't go to work as Kathy is back today after two weeks' annual leave. Sophie woke me up at 6am and before I had a coffee I swabbed my snotty nose and did the test. Keith was still feeling rough, but there was no point wasting a test on him as we knew he'd still be positive.

At first, there was hardly a line, but then it appeared and, although not as dark as Saturday's test, there was still a good mark showing. After some deliberation, I texted Sara again and decided to stay away today, but return tomorrow. If a test is negative on Wednesday, I'll go in then to make up for today. I was seriously annoyed, but I'd never forgive myself if I made Kathy, who has asthma, ill. I still felt bad for going in last week, and saw myself as "unclean and germy". Sara texted me to say she knew of several people who had a cold or covid, so it's definitely doing the rounds.

I took Sophie to work to get out of the house for an hour and returned to have another coffee. I think my taste and smell are slowly returning and I'm not as stuffed up as I was yesterday. 

I felt full of energy (probably due to not doing much over the weekend) so I decided to potter about in the back garden, check out the ants' nest and tackle the front garden, which looked messy and unkempt. The ants' hill seemed to have disappeared, so I poured water over both flattened mounds - they hate a wet environment, apparently - and cut back some bushes. The cats came out to join me as I pottered about but I'm not loving the back garden at the moment. It seems to have been taken over by creepy crawlies, which give me the shudders!

I trimmed the front verge, and to my dismay, found more evidence of ants all along the edge of the verge. I do see Paul over the road regularly putting ant powder down on his driveway, so I think we'll have to follow suit. They damage grass and plants and I don't want them in the garden!

It was warm in the sun and I weeded the soil and swept. I also noticed that the cover on next door's water meter had been broken, probably caused by various vans driving over it. I put one of our large stones over it to stop someone from tripping on it and planned on letting Anglian Water know.

Being out in the hot sun made me feel a little jittery, so I went indoors and sat down for a while. Perhaps covid was affecting me more than I thought? I hadn't really had any breakfast, so I made an appointment to sell my car at the weekend, and let Anglian Water know about the broken meter cover.

When I felt better I went back outside and cleared up the sweeping before going back inside and taking it easy!

We drove to pick Sophie up in heavy rain and it was grey and gloomy. However, I think the weather is due to improve later in the week. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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