Sunday 21 July 2024


After another lie-in and coffee, I decided to blitz the kitchen. I pulled everything off the worktops and windowsills and gave it all a good clean. It's been a little cooler today, so that was a relief.

We also booked our 2025 summer holiday and we're returning to L'Escala! We booked the house close to where we were before, so that's something to look forward to in eleven months! Now we just need to decide our route there and back, and our overnight stops. We want to stay at Le Troubadour in Rocamadour again and maybe Saint-Remy-de-Provence, as I've been watching Marcus Wareing's series on French food. It looks like a gorgeous place.

My "Holiday" book arrived yesterday and I had a good look at my copy, keeping the other one safe for Mum and Dad. I was dreading any typos or problems with the formatting but everything looked great. It's only taken me two years!

Sophie and I carried on doing some housework and did mounds of laundry, but by 2pm we were finished and made a sneaky trip to McDonald's in Kettering for a late lunch. We both enjoyed chicken salad wraps and took some chicken tenders home for Keith.

Dinner tonight was supposed to have been a barbecue but with our late lunch, and nibbles and drinks, we decided to skip dinner and barbecue another night. Sophie and I played Scrabble and cards and we all sat at the island and looked at old videos. Mike used to record everything, especially at dinner, and some of the footage had us in stitches! It was lovely to sit and chat and remember old times!

We enjoyed an egg sandwich which Sophie made but that did us perfectly!

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