Friday 26 July 2024

To the rescue... again!

Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning, and she stayed at home to give Gomez his medicine and bathe his lesions in saltwater.

Her car started this morning, which was a relief! I had already gone to work and now that we just have two cars, I feel like we're in a bit of a precarious position. If anything goes wrong with the VW, we're done for! I might rethink my decision not to get another car!

Today has been somewhat challenging as I was working with newbies, Macy and Sharon, so I had no choice but to help with answering the phone, especially first thing when it was busy. Having said that, the phone lines weren't as busy as earlier in the week but we had some long complicated queries to deal with. Nicola's daughter was working with us and she's only 16, which I think is far too young to be dealing with some of the problems we encounter on the phone. It's not all about swim times and prices; we sometimes have complicated membership questions to sort out.

I finished the moan report, though, and put two more weeks' worth of films onto the system, so I was pleased I'd be able to do that. 

At 4pm, I left work and became embroiled in a traffic jam on the A43. I soon realised that it was down to roadworks or an accident, as we kept getting a line of oncoming vehicles and then nothing before we could move. It was very tiresome!

As I neared the Sywell roundabout, my phone rang and, as we were stationary, I answered it. Sophie's car wouldn't start... I said I would come down and get her and prayed the traffic would move so I could get to the roundabout and take the road through Overstone. A van had broken down but I managed to get through the jam and head back towards Northampton. Sophie called again but I couldn't answer as I was driving so I was forced to pull into the Aldi supermarket car park and call her back. I also phoned Keith to let him know what had happened.

I arrived at 5pm, the time she should have been leaving anyway, and I tried the car again, but it was dead. She had already told security the car would be left there all night and we said we'd come back down in the morning and try and get it going.

I drove home, avoiding the A43 and we went upstairs to get ready for an evening out with our friend Sue, who used to live across the road. Keith was taking us to The Pig and Waffle in Grafton Underwood where Sue had booked a table for 7pm. It was a gorgeous evening and the pub/restaurant was busy with people enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

We took our table inside and ordered nine tapas dishes to share, as well as a bottle of Tempranillo.

As the evening wore on, it became even busier with all the tables full. There was a great atmosphere and the food was delicious. It was lovely to sit and chat and enjoy a relaxed evening after our hectic and stressful week!

We managed to find room for dessert - an almond cake and ice cream for Sophie and me, and sticky toffee pudding for Sue. I had a decaffeinated coffee and after paying the bill, we went outside to wait for the taxi that Sue had very kindly arranged.

It was blissfully cool outside as we waited for the taxi which arrived on the dot at 10pm and whisked us all home!

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