Saturday 13 July 2024

A litany of woe...

I have to admit to feeling thoroughly miserable today, and it now looks like Keith has the virus as well, as he was coughing and spluttering and saying he had a sore throat... wonderful. Also, Gomez has been missing and didn't come home last night, so that's an added worry we don't need at the moment.

I spent the morning ordering gifts for my parents' 58th wedding anniversary next week. I was going to go to Tesco today, but I've ordered a mini-hamper from M&S and some gifts from Moonpig instead. All plans to go and look for a new car for Sophie have gone out of the window, although she is feeling better today, and still tested negative!

To add to the woes (sorry) the weather has been horrible, with a chilly wind and heavy grey skies. Where has our summer gone? We should be out in the sunshine enjoying the season!

I drifted around the house, soaked in the bath and watched The Tour de France in the afternoon. Vikesh came over but didn't come into the house, and he and Sophie walked around the estate and called for Gomez. 

My sense of taste and smell has disappeared completely, which is a huge nuisance as Sophie has a special day planned for tomorrow to celebrate the Men's Singles Final at Wimbledon. We have Champagne, Pimms, cold meats, salad and banoffee pie to enjoy. I hope I'll be able to taste things tomorrow!

We then, of course, have the Euros final in the evening between England and Spain. Who will win? Is football, finally, coming home?!

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