Tuesday 30 July 2024

Attacked by a fan!

Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning and stayed at home to give Gomez his medicine. At least she could drive herself to work today!

I had another busy day at work and helped out with the phones when the calls mounted up. Macy was working again and was still unsure about a lot of things so Sara had to help out. I did manage to answer most of the emails, so the time flew by.

When I arrived home at 4.30pm, the house was hot and stuffy. It was 84f in the kitchen so Keith and I opened the windows but pulled the blinds right down. Gomez spent a lot of time on the living room window sill staring at the world outside (and trying to nudge the window open more with his nose), and I hoped that after Wednesday he would be allowed to go out again. Keeping them both inside has been hard work and a most unpleasant experience!

We had the fan going full blast in the living room and both cats eyed it warily, as if it was a monster! I think Gomez became used to it after a while and perhaps relished the breeze it was creating!

Dinner tonight was cold meats, salad and new potatoes. It was too hot to eat anything else! We watched the Olympics but at 9pm I went upstairs with Sophie and the cats to relax. On the way, the top part of the fan broke and came away from the main pedestal hitting Keith on the shoulder as I went past him. Not something we really needed!

Sophie brought up a roll of tape and we managed to repair it, slightly haphazardly! However, as I was drifting off to sleep, it fell off again and almost banged me on the head! I managed to prop it up on the bedside table, but it did it again, this time breaking one of the blades... oh dear! 

Sophie lent me her fan, bless her, so at least I had a bit of breeze wafting over me! Roll on the cooler weather!

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