Tuesday 16 July 2024

Drowning in work!

I was back at work this morning and couldn't believe how many emails were waiting to be dealt with. I felt like I was drowning! Before I could look at them, though, I had to do the cash-ups from Friday, the weekend and yesterday! It took me most of the day to do this and Sara was also busy, so the emails mounted up, and mounted up...

I stayed until 5pm today and answered as many emails as I could in the last hour. I was going to suggest going to work on Wednesday to make up for Monday but I had a feeling I'd still be testing positive! 

I arrived home slightly before Sophie and we relaxed in the kitchen with a drink and a chat. Keith cooked toad in the hole in the hole for dinner and after we'd eaten we tried the new drama, The Jetty, but I lost interest. Why are so many dramas gloomy and miserable at the moment? We also tried The Night Caller and gave up on that as well as it was so depressing!

My Mum and Dad celebrated 58 years of marriage today, but I could only call them to wish them a happy day. They had been spoilt by the staff at the care home, which I was delighted about.

I am heartily glad I am not at work tomorrow! I have lots to do!

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