Wednesday 10 July 2024

A deadly embrace!

I was starting work at 10am this morning, so at least I could have a lie-in! I slept until 8am and then woke for a coffee before getting ready for work.

Sharon was working with us today but I'm not sure what she actually did! It took her ages to log onto our systems which aren't that complicated, or is it because I've got so used to them? She helped out now and again with calls, but the phone lines weren't as busy as the previous two days, thank goodness, and I did clear a lot of general emails, leaving the cancellations for tomorrow.

Keith picked me up again (I was worried I wouldn't get parked at 10am) and we headed home. However, the traffic was at a standstill on the A43, which isn't unusual, but then we saw a police car go past, an ambulance, a paramedic and a fire engine! What on earth had happened?

Keith made me turn around and drive through the hellhole that's Moulton at this time of the day, and we very nearly became embroiled in a "deadly embrace" as three cars behind followed me blindly even though there was no space for oncoming cars to pass. I was stressed out by the journey and vowed never to go this way again! When we finally arrived home, I texted Sophie to warn her and she said she'd go via Moulton Park and Brixworth! On Google Maps, it was showing three accidents between the new roundabout on the A43, and the Holcot/Sywell roundabout but we never did find out what happened!

We had a simple dinner of homecooked fish and oven chips tonight and I found it horrible. We'd said previously not to buy frozen fish and oven chips, and the meal was dire! 

Of course, tonight was England's game against The Netherlands and after the first half, I lost interest. Sophie and I went upstairs and I fell asleep, waking at 10pm to learn that England had won! Woohoo!! We now face Spain on Sunday!

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