Wednesday 24 July 2024

An emergency dash!

I was working from 10am until 4pm today so I was able to call the vets before I left for work. I made an appointment for next Wednesday, so we'll have to make sure Gomez is in the night before!

Keith dropped me off at work and I had a busy shift. It's the first day of the school summer holidays! The time flew as I answered calls and dealt with emails. I was working with Sharon and Kathy again, and Sharon did have some complicated calls to deal with!

When Sophie arrived home this evening, she looked at Gomey's chin and was worried that it looked sore and painful. He also had another wound on his face which was bleeding. She wanted to go to the vet surgery in Moulton, so she gave them a call and managed to book him in as an emergency. I dashed downstairs to find the cat carrier and we gingerly put him inside, poor little thing. 

We asked Keith to move Sophie's car which was parked behind the VW, and her little Hyundai wouldn't start! Keith tried again and again, and in the end, he had to try and freewheel it down the drive, managing to park it across the road so we could back out. Not really the easiest thing to do in an automatic car! We really didn't need that drama as well!

Sophie and I drove to Moulton and sat and waited in the surgery with a couple of owners and their dogs. Gomez was wondering what we were going to do with him and kept emitting little miaows! The vet saw us after about half an hour's wait and examined his face and the sores. She suggested antibiotics and steroids to start with, as well as a cream to apply to the sores. She thought he may be allergic to fleas and ticks. If none of the tablets or creams worked, we might have to do a skin test to investigate further.

She gave us the tablets and cream and a plastic cone for him to wear. Obviously, he wouldn't be allowed out, poor thing. I think we're going to have a very unhappy cat on our hands! Sophie paid the bill of £230 (gulp!) and we drove home to have a drink and try and relax before we had dinner.

After dinner, we managed to get two of the tablets into Gomez by crushing them into chicken yoghurt, which they both love. Mooney goes mad for the tube of savoury yoghurt and tries to bite the end off!

Once the tablets had been ingested we tried the cone with Gomez and it was a very traumatic experience for all of us. He looked absolutely terrified and went into a kind of paralysed trance in Sophie's arms. He had an absolute look of terror on his face so we couldn't bear it any longer. We took it off and I ordered a soft one from Amazon instead.

It was not the relaxing night we usually have and we have two very unhappy cats!

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