Tuesday 9 July 2024

Feeling a little weary!

This cold is lingering and I can't breathe unless I squirt Sinex up my nose! Sophie woke me up at 6am and didn't go to the gym, but I just snuggled back under the covers for an hour as I felt shattered. I felt guilty as she was sitting downstairs with the Gomes and having a love-in!

Sara was back today and facing an avalanche of work from Nicola. She had something for me to do as well, and I looked at her in horror as it's taking me all day to clear the backlog of emails we're receiving! She must have realised and said she'd delegate the job to someone else to do! It's getting silly now with all the things that are being heaped on us!

I worked flat out all day but at least I can try and do some tomorrow when I'm in, although I will be answering the phones... Hmmm! Why did I volunteer for the shift?!

Keith picked me up from work as he'd been shopping today rather than yesterday. I'm not sure how long this will work with us going in together, but we'll have to see. Sophie wants to go to the Audi dealership on Saturday to look at cars, so that will be interesting! It'll probably be me that comes away with a car!

It was an overcast evening with a chill wind blowing, but Sophie and I walked Mooney around the estate after dinner. Keith was glued to the television as France and Spain were playing, and he's convinced that Spain is going to win the Euros. Our big game is tomorrow when England play The Netherlands!

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