Monday 8 July 2024

A strange ingredient!

I'm facing five days at work this week, not ideal when I'm so stuffed up and croaky! Sara was off today, but her daughter, Vicki, came in with her little boy, Jack, so Sara could look after him while she worked. I was busy at work all day and the time flew by with numerous emails and helping out with calls now and again.

I've been using Sinex to allow me to breathe as this cold is nasty! Where it sprang from, I'll never know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with my visit to the beauty salon last Wednesday and the damp, chilly weather we endured afterwards.

I lost my senses of smell and taste this evening and we discovered that Keith had put a little bag of mulled wine spices into the coq au vin, rather than the bouquet garni we'd asked him to use! Sophie kept saying she could smell cinnamon and this was confirmed when she gave the little sodden bag a good sniff! Even I could detect it when we sat down to eat! I'm not sure we'll do it again!

We started watching a new series tonight, The Turkish Detective, set in Istanbul much to Sophie's delight. There were cats everywhere!

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