Sunday 14 July 2024

Someone else came home!

I woke up this morning feeling no different and still stuffed up to the gunnels as if someone had poured concrete into all my sinus cavities. I was determined to wean myself off the Sinex and get through the day, but it was very difficult. I literally could not breathe through my nose! Keith took a test and, although it took a while, a line appeared so he has covid now as well. 

Sophie was an absolute angel this morning, cleaning downstairs and preparing a delicious lunch. The weather was slightly better than yesterday, and we saw some sunshine and blue skies. There was still no sign of Gomez so I put a post on our residents' Facebook page asking people to check sheds and garages.

At 12pm, Sophie prepared a jug of Pimms and Fevertree lemonade, and cut up oranges, strawberries and a cucumber to go in the drink along with sprigs of mint. We sat in the kitchen with our drinks and some nibbles, but sadly, I  couldn't taste anything.

We sat down to lunch at 1pm and Sophie had prepared everything, bless her. We ate cold meats, mini pork pies and cocktail sausages, new potatoes and a lovely salad. I couldn't taste any of it. Plans to drink the Champagne were put on hold until I can fully appreciate it!

By 2pm, we were washed up and cleared away and we settled down to watch the Men's Singles Final between the Spanish Alcaraz and the Serbian Djokovic. I had a bet with Sophie that the young Spaniard would win in three straight sets, and to our astonishment, this is what happened. I have never seen Djokovic play so poorly; it seemed like he just wasn't into it! At one point, Alcaraz had the Championship in the palm of his hand but he kept serving faults and it went to a tie-break!

It was a muted match and one of the most boring (apart from the tension when Alcaraz was serving to win) finals I have ever seen. We will no longer see the likes of Bjorn Borg, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe or Ivan Lendl any more, and I miss those heady days of tennis in the 1980s when it was a real treat to see them play. They all had character and personality and there were fireworks on the court on a regular basis. Nowadays, the players seem bland and boring.  

Sophie served up her banoffee pie which was sweet and delicious (or so I was told) and then we walked around the estate calling for Gomes. Mooney refused to come with us, so it was just the two of us and we stopped and chatted to another wanderer, Kinks, who was at a neighbour's house. The owners appeared as we were talking to him and said that they sometimes found him on one of their beds, the little devil!

Back home, we decided to sit in the garden with a glass of wine, and Keith came out to join us. He noticed two mounds of earth on the lawn and said he thought they were molehills. On closer inspection, I discovered, much to my disgust, that they were ant hills! When I prodded at them with a hoe, the ants went mad, as I suppose you would if your home was suddenly disrupted!

Sophie, who had been sitting on the grass, stood up rapidly and we decided to go inside and play cards. I gave my glass of wine to Sophie as I couldn't taste it and felt miserable!

7pm found us watching the build-up to the game and seeing the Olympic Stadium in Berlin! We have been there, on two separate occasions when it was bitterly cold with very few people about! Now it looked fantastic as people waited for the game and the atmosphere must have been tremendous!

It was great to see England reach the final, but sadly, they lost 2-1 to Spain and we were all utterly disappointed. However, it was great to see them reach the final! Maybe next time?

Just as the game finished, Sophie went outside to call Gomez and he appeared! He came home!

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