Wednesday 6 July 2022

Tidying up!

As planned, we've spent a lot of time in the garden today, mowing the lawn and tidying everything up. The ground is parched at the moment, so there wasn't much point in me trying to hoe the soil. I just raked it of weeds and leaves!

Keith disappeared down to the gravel garden and asked for some help as one of our roses had fallen over. It had rooted itself into the soil so we had difficulty standing it upright. I suggested moving it to the back garden and we re-potted it and gave it a good water. I'm not sure it will survive as we had to cut the root but time will tell.

Not sure if our rose will survive.

Someone came out to help

In between the bouts of gardening, we sat and enjoyed the peace and quiet. The skies were cloudy today and it was warm so it was perfect for gardening. A couple of blackbirds, both male and female, were brave enough to come and get some food as we sat there. They even came down when Monty was around. He looked at them but it was obviously far too much effort to do anything except prick his ears. He's too old to go chasing birds now!

After I'd finished the back garden and watered all the plants, I moved around to the front. I haven't done anything with the verge or the border for ages, and it was looking very scruffy. Again, it didn't help that the soil was so dry. I pulled up all the old daffodils, removed some weeds, and raked over the grass to make it look a bit neater. I then swept everything up, and although not looking at its best, it did look a lot better!

By now I was hot and dirty so I went and had a lovely shower. I had suggested to Keith we go and get my car washed but in the end, we stayed at home, I hoovered downstairs and then relaxed. I was so glad I ventured out! The weather is due to get hotter and drier over the next few days so we'll have to water every night!

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