Monday 25 July 2022

A stressful day!

Today has been very stressful as the phone calls have been non-stop and at the end of my shift, I felt utterly drained with all the questions I'd had to answer. We lost about 70 calls and when the phones opened at 10am we had twenty calls waiting in the queue! By 4pm, I was mightily fed up with saying the same thing every time someone phoned up to book swimming! I felt like screaming!

Bizarrely, Sara had to look after her 7-month-old grandson for nearly two hours this morning while her daughter went for a beauty treatment. I honestly don't think our office is a place for babies and, in the end, she had to take him out as he became quite grizzly. She had already admitted to being snowed under with work (there were over twenty email cancellations needing to be done, let alone all the normal emails) so why didn't she just say no?

When I got home I tripped over the leg of one of the barstools and, sitting on the loo, Monty appeared and literally screamed at me for food! I think it was the last straw! I had had enough of everyone wanting a piece of me! Then my Aunt called and I ended up being on the phone with her for over half an hour, as she wanted to visit my parents at the weekend. A lovely gesture, but I'd had enough of phone calls!

It was bliss to sit in the quiet with a drink and chat with Sophie and Keith. I made a start on finding someone to look after Monty-cat while we're away, and I'm hoping Paul will call in every other day. Sophie looked up automatic cat feeders on Amazon - apparently, you can programme them for up to 15 days! She wants to take him to Spain with us, but the red tape and vaccinations he'd need would probably be the end of him!

After a delicious dinner of cottage pie (the green beans made a comeback along with carrots, broccoli and cauliflower!) Sophie and I watched a couple of episodes of My Dream Lottery Home. How I'd love to win the lottery at the moment and disappear!

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