Tuesday 12 July 2022

Keeping chilled

We had a fridge installed in the office today, so we could keep our lunches there, and bottles of water. It came from our old bar area upstairs and is quite big so enough room for everyone to store their food and drinks! It's right behind where I sit so that's a bonus!

Despite our new fridge, today was a tad stressful with some complicated queries and a lot of noise in the office. It hasn't felt as warm today but the car was still hot inside when I went home at 4pm! We even saw some spots of rain in the late afternoon but certainly not enough to give the plants a good water! It would have been lovely if we'd had a thunderstorm!

Once at home, I sat at the kitchen island to catch the breeze from the window and the half-open door and it was definitely more comfortable than yesterday!

Keith barbecued this evening and we enjoyed burgers and chicken with salad. After dinner, Sophie and I went upstairs to watch My Lottery Dream Home and we saw three episodes! I think we like the programme!

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