Saturday 30 April 2022

A working Saturday.

I was at work today so Sophie gave me a lift and then went to the gym. After a busy first half-hour, the phones calmed down a bit and I was able to get lots of other jobs completed. I was working with Sue, so we had a very pleasant shift. 

At 2pm Sophie came to collect me and before going home I popped into Aldi to buy the ingredients for some little cakes that Sophie was planning to make, and to get something for our lunch. The supermarket was packed with people and the salad and deli aisles were the busiest! Today, the weather has been gorgeous with blue skies and sunshine which is typical seeing as I was working!

Back home we enjoyed a delicious Caesar salad and crusty bread for lunch and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Sophie had cleaned the house for me and had had a good workout at the gym, so she felt justified in lolling about on the bed and catching up with a recorded programme! Good for her!

In the evening we played Scrabble and enjoyed an Aldi Aperini and Prosecco cocktail. I had picked the Aperini up for about £7 so considerably less than a bottle of Aperol! Our game of Scrabble was very close - I think Sophie beat me by about 5 points!

Dinner tonight was minced beef and dumplings - not really what we'd had planned but the homemade fishcakes have been put on hold until tomorrow, seeing as we had fish last night!

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