Sunday 17 April 2022

Enjoying the sunshine!

I was determined to tackle the garden today, mow the lawn and tidy it all up. I'm sure I've mentioned our nocturnal visitor who we think is a hedgehog, and it poos all over the grass! After a lazy-ish start, I went out and picked up the uneaten bird food and then the hedgehog poo! I felt like we had a dog!

Once that was done I mowed the lawn and then strimmed the edges so it looked a lot neater. I hoed the soil and watered all the plants, as it's been a fair few days since we've had any rain. Our daffodils are dying down now, and I've made a note in my diary to cut the greenery down in about eight weeks' time so that they will flower again next year. Our gorgeous clematis is just about to flower and this year we seem to have a lot more flowers that will brighten up the garden.

It was a perfect Spring day - not too hot with a gentle breeze. After washing our twin chairs (covered in bird poo) we sat and enjoyed the sunshine, and when Sophie made me some lunch we both sat in the garden to enjoy our snack, watched by a blackbird who showed no fear at all!

In the afternoon Sophie made a delicious pistachio and almond loaf which went down very well with the Chai tea she makes. I have thoroughly enjoyed my Easter weekend, and it's been so lovely to potter about the house and garden and not go anywhere. The weather has certainly helped but we've had no inclination to go out to the coast or the parks!

I sat reading the newspapers in the kitchen in the afternoon while Keith prepared all the vegetables for dinner. We were all looking forward to the turkey this evening, and having chipolatas wrapped in bacon and stuffing!

Sophie and I played Scrabble, and afterwards, as I was reading some more of the newspaper, I noticed that The Cure was appearing at Wembley in December... I've always been a fan but Sophie is as well after one of their tracks was used for the end credits of a film, and she loves them. We decided, then and there, to book tickets to see the last show on the 13 December! The tickets were £70 each but we thought it was worth it! Something else to look forward to!

Dinner was just as delicious as we'd anticipated, and the turkey was moist and juicy. We had followed the advice of the Hairy Bikers and rubbed salt into the skin last night, before bringing it up to room temperature and slathering butter over it before cooking it this afternoon. There's plenty left to go with bubble and squeak tomorrow and curry on Tuesday!

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