Monday 18 April 2022

Back to work!

After my lovely, peaceful and very relaxed weekend, it was back to work for me today, but a much shorter shift than I was used to, just 9am until 2pm.

Sophie gave me a lift to work and went to the gym and I discovered that the cinema hadn't been operating all weekend, and our wallboard in the office was down which meant we couldn't see any incoming calls. It felt like the gremlins were on the rampage!

I was working with Louiza and we had a very busy shift, with almost non-stop calls about swimming sessions. That was a little strange as outside it was warm, dry and sunny. Perfect Bank Holiday Monday weather!

The shift passed very quickly, and my lovely daughter came back to collect me. She had been busy cleaning the house, sorting out the washing and preparing dinner for tonight and tomorrow! On the way home, we went to the post office but it was closed, as I'd suspected it would be. Our eBay packages will just have to wait until tomorrow!

My Mum wanted me to pop over this afternoon to see them, so I called the care home, asked if I could visit and was there by 3pm. I went up to their room which looked lovely and cosy and sat with them for over an hour. My Mum was reading my 2014 blog book and it was quite painful looking at it and seeing the happy memories from eight years ago when we still had the business and everyone was fit and healthy.

I left at just after 4pm and went home to relax with Sophie before a game of Scrabble in the evening. We enjoyed leftovers and the turkey was still delicious!

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